Friday, May 23, 2008

Just Another Hoop...

There have been many proverbial hoops to jump through during Cameron's quest to become a doctor...but I think this one might be the most hilarious! A quick story...Cameron is in the process of applying for several away rotations during his 4th year, one of which is an Orthopaedic Surgery rotation in Colorado. Now, if it weren't for the fact that all of my family lives in Colorado, I don't that he would have gone to such great lengths to meet the eligibility requirements. One of the requirements is to be fitted for a tuberculosis mask, he was fitted for a mask during his first year (3 years ago) but the paper work is now missing in action, which might be a clue to the frivolousness of the requirement. So, today, he went to be fitted for the mask only to find out that his beard would impede the fitting process. So they shaved the impeding are the results:

Is your last name "Jeremy" by any chance??

A Ranier Beer to celebrate the new look... We think it's a keeper!

1 comment:

Jan said...

I am beginning to think the "Dr." gig is a hoax to divert everyone's attention from your REAL profession in the...ummmmm, shall we say "entertainment industry!"

Love you both!
AKA Moma